MM Dump 자료 내용 오답 등 정확도 검증 중.. 2024-04-29 업데이트
(더보기를 누르면 정답 확인 가능, 수정사항있으시면 언제든 댓글 환영)
1) What can you control with a document type in purchasing ?
A. Item number interval
B. Allowed account assignment categories
C. Reference to purchase requisitions
D. Confirmation control
E. Number range
구매 시 문서유형으로 무엇을 제어할 수 있나요?
덤프마다 문제의 답이 다르게 나오는 경우가 많다. A,C,E
A. Item number interval
C. Reference to purchase requisitions
E. Number range
2) Which of following parameters shoud you consider when determinig the manual re order point for a material?
A. Replaenishment lead time - 보충 리드타임
B. Expected daily requirements
C. lot sizing procedure
D. Checking group for availabillty check
E. Safety stock
다음 중 자재의 매뉴얼 재주문 지점을 결정할 때 고려해야 할 것은 무엇입니까?
A, C, E
Replaenishment lead time : 제품의 필요성이 결정된 시점과 해당 제품이 사용 또는 판매 가능하게 되는 시점 사이의 시간
lot-sizing procedure
Safety Stock 안전재고
3) Which of the following business partener roles are requirement to execute a procurement process?
A. FI vendor on company code level
B. supplier on purchasing organization level
C. supplier on purchasing group level
D. contract person on purchasing organzation level-
> A, C
회계 - 회사코드 레벨과 구매그룹 레벨
-> 정정
The necessary business partner roles to execute a procurement process are the Supplier on purchasing organization level and the FI Vendor on company code level. These roles are involved in managing the procurement activities and the related financial transactions respectively.
A, B - 회사코드레벨 , 구매조직 레벨
A. FI vendor on company code level
B. supplier on purchasing organization level
4) You have ordered stock material that is valuated with a standard price. The purchase in the PO is higher than
the standard price of the material, which accounts are at updated at goods receipt
A. GR / IR
B. Inventory differences
C. Stock(재고)
D. CD price differences (가격 차)
E. Material consumption
표준가격보다 높게 설정하여 PO 를 입고 시켰을 때 업데이트
A, C, D : GR/IR , 재고, 가격차 발생
5) for which type of blocked invoices can you use the automatic release blocked invoice app?
보류 송장 자동 취소 앱은 어떤 유형의 보류 송장에 사용할 수 있습니까?
A. invoice blocked stochastically
B. invoice blocked manually
C. invoice blocked because of an excessive amount
D. invoice blocked due to variances
-> D invoice blocked due to variances
가격 차이로 인해 송장이 차단
6) Which field can you use to prevent a discounted material from being procured?
할인 된 재료의 조달을 방지하기 위해 어떤 필드를 사용할 수 있습니까?
A. Control code
B. Material status
C. Special procurement type
D. Authorization group
-> B. Material status
7) Which item category must you use for subcontracting?
외주가공에 어떤 자재 카테고리를 사용해야합니까?
A. item category
B. item category L
C. item category K
D. item category W
-> C item category K
Dump 상 C로 정답되어 있긴 하나,,, 구글링 및 SAP 내 외주가공 Item category 는 B. "L" 을 사용함
8) Which of the following are possible personalization options of the SAP fiori launchpad?
SAP fiori 런치패드에서 사용할 수 있는 개인화 옵션은 다음 중 어떤 것 입니까?
A. Add tiles to existing tile groups.
B. Add new tile groups.
C. Add tile groups to business roles.
D. Add new catalogs.
-> A, B
A. Add tiles to existing tile groups.
B. Add new tile groups.
9) In the standard system, a controllable system message is shown when a user creates a purchase order with a delivery date in past What must you configure to allow such purchase orders to only be created by authorized users?
표준 시스템에서 사용자가 과거 납품 시간을 지정하여 주문서를 만들면 제어 가능한 시스템 메시지가 표시됩니다.
이러한 주문을 승인 된 사용자만 만들 수 있게하려면 무엇을 설정해야합니까?
A. Copy the system message to a new version, set it as a warning message, and assign the version withe user parameter MSV to non-authorized users
B. Copy the system message to a new version, set it as a error message, and assign the version with user parameter MSV to the authorized users.
C. Copy the system message to a new version, set it as a error message, and assign the version with user parameter MSV to non-authorized users.
D. Copy the system message to a new version, set it as a warning message, and assign the version with user parameter MSV to authorized users.
덤프마다 답이 authorized user 또는 non-authorized users 로 계속 갈린다,,
아래 참조 링크를 확인했을 땐 특정 유저에게만 에러로 보이도록 설정을 하는 듯
다른 유저는 E로 안보일 테니 non-authorized users 에게 해당 E로 설정한 버전을 Assign 하면 과거 납품일 메시지가 Error 보이지 않을까라고 생각.
C. Copy the system message to a new version, set it as a error message, and assign the version with user parameter MSV to non-authorized users
Making Error Messages User Specific
You may want to prevent users from processing a requisition if the quantity doesn’t meet a certain minimum maintained in the vendor master or info record.
10) You have several company codes and plants in your sap s4hana system, you set the valuation level to plant,
how can you minimize the effort involved in account determination
sap s4hana 시스템에는 여러 회사 코드와 플랜트가 있으며 평가 레벨을 플랜트로 설정합니다.
계정 과목 결정과 관련된 노력을 최소화하려면 어떻게해야합니까?
A. You can group plants assigned to company codes that have different charts of accounts by using the account group code.
B. You can group plants assigned to company codes that have same charts of accounts by using the account group code.
C. You can group plants assigned to company codes that have different charts of accounts by using the valuation group code.
D. You can group plants assigned to company codes that have same charts of accounts by using the valuation group code.
D You can group plants assigned to company codes that have same charts of accounts by using the valuation group code.
평가 그룹 코드를 사용하면 동일한 계정 체계를 가진 회사 코드에 할당된 플랜트를 그룹화할 수 있습니다.
11) Which of the following are characteristics of the Hold function for purchase order?
주문서(구매오더) 보류 기능의 특징은 다음 중 무엇입니까?
A. It triggers a workflow to request completion of the document
문서 완성을 요청하는 워크플로를 트리거합니다.
B. It allows any kind of error in document
문서 모든 종류의 오류를 허용합니다
C. It disables follow-on activities
후속 활동이 사용 중지됩니다.
D. It is supported for blanket purchase orders.
대량 구매 주문이 지원됩니다.
답 : B,C
보류된 구매오더는 오류를 허용하고 저장되나 후속 활동에 대해선 비활성화됨.
12) What can you control with the document type in purchasing? (1번 중복 질문, 답 선택지가 다름)
A. Linkage to material groups / document types
B. Allowed item categories
C. Number Range
D. Allowed account assignment categories -> 1번 문항에서는 O 인데 왜? 1번 문항이 잘못된 것으로 생각함.
E. Field selection (Maintain 이 없어서 안된 것 같음)
답 : A,B,C
document type 에서 중요하게 제어하는 것으로
item interval, allowed item categories , link PR document types, Maintain field selection
13) You want to collectively convert assigned purchase requistions into purchase orders. How can you do this?
(답이 덤프마다 다름, 소스리스트 또는 어사인먼트 리스트 두개가 나뉨)
A. Run material requirements planning(MRP)
B. Use the assignment list
C. Use the source list
D. Run the automatic generation of purchase orders
E. User hte document in the Create Purchase Order app(ME21N)
답 : B,D,E
PR -> PO를 정확하게 전환하기 위해선 어떻게 할 수 있나?
B. Assingment list
D. PO 자동생성 실행
E. ME21N을 이용해서 생성
14) You want create a purchase order with reference to a purchase requisition what controls the linkage between the line item of your purchase order and the purchase requisition
구매 오더의 품목과 구매 요청 간의 연결을 제어하는 구매 요청을 참조하여 구매 오더를 생성하려고 합니다.
A. Item Category
B. Doucment type
C. Account Assignment Category
D. Document category
답 : A Item Category
15) An incoming invoice shows a variance when compared to the expected quantity or amount. How you can you record this invoice?
받은 송장에 예상 수량 또는 금액과 비교할 때 차이가 표시됩니다. 이 송장을 어떻게 기록 할 수 있습니까?
A. Enter the actual invoice values, use the reduction function, and post. The system create the invoice withreduced value
B. Enter the actual invoice values, use the reduction function, and post. The system creates a credit memo to the actual invoice
C. Enter the actual invoice values, use the reduction function, and post. The system creates the invoice with the actual values and might block it for payment
D. Enter the actual invoice values. You must then park the invoice because posting is NOT allowed
답 : C. Enter the actual invoice values, use the reduction function, and post. The system creates the invoice with the actual values and might block it for payment
실제 송장 금액을 입력하고 감액 기능을 사용하여 전기합니다. 시스템은 실제 값이 포함된 인보이스를 작성하고 결제가 차단될 수 있습니다.
16) You want to procure material from another plant. What purchasing instrument would you use?
다른 플랜트로 자재를 조달하고 싶을 때 어떤 걸 사용해야 하나?
A. Warehouse transfer request
B. Stock transport order
C. Warehouse transfer order
D. Standard purchase order
B. STO(재고 이전오더)
17) For Which type of contracts can you use item category Material Group (W)
품목 카테고리 자재그룹을 사용할 수 있는 계약 유형은 무엇입니까?
A. Sales Contracts
B. Value Contracts
C. Quantity contracts
D. Service Contracts
답 : B. Value Contracts
18) your company uses the classic release procedure for purchase orders. What are some characteristics of a release procedure for purchase orders?
귀사는 구매 주문에 대해 고전적인 릴리스 절차를 사용합니다. 구매 주문에 대한 릴리스 절차의 특징은 무엇입니까?
A. the output of purchase order is NOT possible before approval
B. release procedure for purchase order are possible without classification (구매주문에 대한 릴리즈 절차는 구분없이 가능합니다)
C. The release rejection of a purchase order is the only possible at header level
D. the release or rejection of a purchase order is only possible at line item level
답 : A,B,C
19) A supplier delivers material to your warehouse , however you are only obliged to pay the supplier once you have withdraw the stock . which procurement process would you implement for this purpose?
(공급업체는 자재를 창고로 배송하지만 재고를 회수한 후에만 공급업체에 대금을 지불해야 합니다.
이를 위해 어떤 조달 프로세스를 구현하시겠습니까?)
A. stock transfer
B. consignment
C. standard
D. third party
답 : B consignment (위탁)
20) You are receiving for deliveries for a valuated material Which documents are created when you post a goods receipt? Note : There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Accounting document
B. Physical inventory document
C. Material document
D. Invoice document
답 : A,C
(평가 자재 납품을 받을 때 입고 전기 시 생성되는 문서에는 인바운드 납품, 회계 문서, 자재 문서가 포함)
21) which of the following activities is a prerequisite to enable partner role determination in purchasing documents?
다음 중 문서를 구매할 때 파트너 역할을 결정하는 데 필요한 작업은 무엇입니까?
A. assign a partner schema to relevant arrangement types
B. assign a partner schema to relevant purchasing documents types
C. assign a partner schema to relevant account groups
D. Assign a partner role to relevant purchasing documents types
답 : B. assign a partner schema to relevant purchasing documents types
22) You want to implement split valuation functionality What must you do ?
분할 평가 기능을 구현하려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?
Note : There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. assign valuation types to stock types
B. add valuation types to all open PO items
C. Customize valuation categories and valuation types
D. create additional accounting data for the relevant materials
답 :
C. Customize valuation categories and valuation types
D. create additional accounting data for the relevant materials
23) How does SAP FIORI achieve the role based design principle?
SAP FIORI는 어떻게 역할 기반 설계 원칙을 달성합니까??
NOTE: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. End users get all the information and functions they need for their daily work
B. NAVIGATION, PERSONALZATION, AND APPLICATION CONFIGURATION are limited to ensure consistency across user roles
C. Complex transactions are split into several apps that correspond to a user's role
D. The application interface adapts to the size and device used by the user
답 : A,C
A. End users get all the information and functions they need for their daily work
C. Complex transactions are split into several apps that correspond to a user's role
24) at what level do you maintain the purchasing group in the material master?
A. company code
B. clients
C. Plant
D. purchasing organization
답 : C. Plant
25) you want to set up account determination so that several material types are grouped on the same account
A. Assign the valuation class to the material types
B. Assign the same account modification to the material type
C. Assign the same account category reference to the material types
D. Assign the same valuation grouping code to the material type
답 : C
C. Assign the same account category reference to the material types
26) In which situation can you have open items in GR/IR CLEARING account
A. where there is a difference between the invoice price and valuation price of the market
B. where there is quantity difference between invoice and purchase order item
C. Where there is a quantity difference between goods receipt and invoice receipt for purchase order item
D. when there is a price difference between purchase and invoice receipt for purchase order item
답 : C
C. Where there is a quantity difference between goods receipt and invoice receipt for purchase order item
27) Which of the Following are Features of subcontracting procurement Process ?
NOTE : There are 3 Correct Answers to this question
A. You Can Assign a subcontracting order item to an Account
B. You can post a non Valuated goods receipt for a subcontracting order item
C. You can have subcontracting purchase requisitions created by MRP
D. You must create a subcontracting info record before you can order a material by subcontracting
E. You can maintain components to be provided in a bill of Material
답 : ACE
A. You Can Assign a subcontracting order item to an Account
C. You can have subcontracting purchase requisitions created by MRP D. You must create a subcontracting info record before you can order a material by subcontracting
-> 덤프마다 다름, 정보레코드가 필수적으로 만들져야 되는 건 아닌 걸로 보여서 변경함.
E. You can maintain components to be provided in a bill of Material
28) what are some key features of the SAP smart business key performance indicator (KPI)tiles used for
purchasing analytics?
A. Chart snippet on a tiles are updated after each start of the evaluation
B. Number on the tiles can have different colors for different alert thresholds
C. each tile represent a set of actionable cards
D. The tiles show key information that is updated in real times
답 : CD
C. each tile represent a set of actionable cards
D. The tiles show key information that is updated in real times
29) How does the system derive the company code when you post a goods movement in a plant
A. when you enter a plant the system uniquely find a purchasing organization and then a company code since each
purchasing organization is assign to a single company code
B. the system determine the company code from your default setting
C. when enter a plant the system uniquely determines a company code since plant can only belong to the one company
D. when you enter a movement type the system uniquely finds a company code since movement type is only valid for a
single combination of plant and company code
답 : C
C. when enter a plant the system uniquely determines a company code since plant can only belong to the one company code
30) which of the following occurs when you park a supplier invoice related to a purchase order ?
Note : 2 correct answers
A. G/L accounts are updated
B. The purchase order history is updated
C. An FI invoice is posted and blocked for payments
D. An MM invoice document is created
답 :
B. The purchase order history is updated
D. An MM invoice document is created
31) You want to prevent a specific material from being ordered from a specific supplier. What must you do..?
A. Create an entry in the source list with a blocking indicator
B. Create a blocking entry in the purchasing info record
C. Create a blocking entry in the supplier master record
D. Create a quota arrangement entry with a quantity of zero
답 : A
A. Create an entry in the source list with a blocking indicator
소스리스트 내 블록 지시자를 설정하여 만든다.
Block procurement of material for specific vendors
Hello all, is there a functionality in sap that the procurement of a specific material from specific material can be blocked without the usage of QM module? This is relevant to a process so I thought of create a specific document type, make the inforecord
32) which of the following business partner roles are requirement to execute a procurement process?
A. supplier on purchasing group level
B. contract person on purchasing organization level
C. FI vendor on company code level
D. supplier on purchasing organization level
답 : C, D
C. FI vendor on company code level
D. supplier on purchasing organization level
33) You procure some materials exclusively by consignment, you want MRP to create consignment purchase requisitions assigned to a supplier instead of normal purchase requisitions for these materials?
Note : There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Maintain a default storage location for external procurement in the material master record
B. Set a special MRP group for consignment in the material master record
C. Create atleast one source of supply for consignment
D. Set a special procurement type for consignment in the material master record
답 : C,D
C. Create atleast one source of supply for consignment
D. Set a special procurement type for consignment in the material master record
34) You regularly purchase non-stock materials.
What must you set up to allow the system to automatically propose specific accounts for these materials?
A. Assign valuation classes to the material groups of these materials
B. Assign valuation classes to the account assignment categories used
C. Assign transaction keys to the material groups of these materials
D. Assign transaction keys to the account assignment categories used
답 : D
D. Assign transaction keys to the account assignment categories used
35) You are posting a goods receipt without a corresponding purchase order (PO) in the system . Which of the
following are prerequisites for automatic generation of the PO at the time goods recei Note: there are 3 answer
to this question
A. Automatic purchase order generation is activated for the movement type is customizing
B. A valid purchasing info record must exist for the material and supplier combination
C. A central purchase organization is assigned to the plant in customizing
D. The goods receipts to be posted is intended for consumption
E. The delivered material is a valuation stock material
답 A, C, E
A. Automatic purchase order generation is activated for the movement type is customizing
C. A central purchase organization is assigned to the plant in customizing
E. The delivered material is a valuation stock material
36) which of the following options are available to block an invoice for payment ?
Note : 3 correct answers
A. Set up random automatic blocking
B. set plant specific tolerance limits for a automatic blocking
C. setup automatic blocking based on user authorization
D. set a manual payment block at invoice header level
E. setup automatic blocking based on amount
Answer: B,C,E
B. set plant specific tolerance limits for a automatic blocking
C. setup automatic blocking based on user authorization
E. setup automatic blocking based on amount
37) Which organizational assignment is mandatory for external procurement?
A. Company code - Pur. Org
B. Reference Pur. Org - Pur. Org
C. Plant - Pur. Org
D. Plant - Pur. Group
답: C
C. Plant - Pur. Org
38) What are some SAP smart business key performance indicators KPIs available for contracts ?
Note : There are 3 correct answers to this question
A. Value contract consumption
B. Contract leakage
C. unused contracts
D. contract release orders
E. Conditions by contract
답 : A,B,C
A. Value contract consumption
B. Contract leakage
C. unused contracts
39) which options are available for the automatic posting of unplanned delivery cost when creating an invoice with purchase order reference ?
A. The costs can be distributed among the invoice items
B. The costs are posted automatically in a separate invoice
C. The system determines a freight clearing account for posting the costs
D. The cost can be posted to a separate account
답 : A, D (141번 중복)
A. The costs can be distributed among the invoice items
D. The cost can be posted to a separate account
답 : A,C
A. The costs can be distributed among the invoice items
C. The system determines a freight clearing account for posting the costs
40) your purchasing department wants to monitor overdue purchase orders.
What are the prerequisites for issuing delivery reminders for a purchase orders?
A. maintain purchasing value keys in the purchase order item
B. Maintain a confirmation control key in the supplier master
C. Maintain reminder periods in the purchase order item
D. Output the purchase order
E. Set message determination in customizing and maintain message records
덤프 Answer: A,B,C
답 A, C , E
41 ) In your company, Invoice verification clerks post a cash discount amount using the posting net method. How do they trigger the posting method?
A. By changing the payment terms
B. By using an appropriate document type
C. By creating an extra invoice item for the cash discount amount
D. By choosing an appropriate payment method
42 ) Which of the following can you control with the confirmation control key? Note : 2 correct answers
A. Default reminder levels for outstanding confirmations
B. The document type for the goods receipt
C. The sequence of required confirmations
D. Whether a confirmation is a prerequisite for a goods receipt
Answer: C,D
C. The sequence of required confirmations
D. Whether a confirmation is a prerequisite for a goods receipt
43) Goods from a supplier arrive at your warehouse. However, you do NOT want these goods to be part of your
inventory yet. What is the procedure for recording the conditional goods receipt (GR)
A. Post a goods receipt to non valued GR blocked stock
B. Make a note in the purchase order and wait until the conditions for accepting the delivery are met
C. Select the blocked stock type when posting the goods receipt
D. Posts a goods receipt to valuated GR blocked stock
답 : A
A. Post a goods receipt to non valued GR blocked stock
44 ) Which of the following pre-requisites must be met for the system to check the shelf life of the materials at goods receipt?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. The Shelf life expiration date is activated for the plant in Customizing
B. The Purchase order item contains the remaining shelf life
C. Batch management is active for the material in the plant
D. The shelf life expiration date check is activated for the material type in Customizing
E. The shelf life expiration date check is activated for the movement type in Customizing
답 : B,C,E
B. The Purchase order item contains the remaining shelf life
C. Batch management is active for the material in the plant
E. The shelf life expiration date check is activated for the movement type in Customizing
45) production planning and product costing are to be implemented in your company Which organization level
must you choose for stock valuation
A. Company code
B. Controlling area
C. Business area
D. Plant
답 : B
B. Controlling area
46 ) Which lot-sizing procedures are suitable for reorder point planning? Not: There are 3 correct answers to this
A. Replenish to maximum stock level
B. Daily lot size
C. Monthly lot size
D. Lot-for-lot order quantity
E. Fixed order quantity
Answer: A,D,E
A. Replenish to maximum stock level
D. Lot-for-lot order quantity
E. Fixed order quantity
47) At which of the following organizational levels must you maintain a business partner master record for a supplier? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Client
B. Purchasing organization
C. Plant
D. Company code
E. Purchasing group
답 : A,B,D
A. Client
B. Purchasing organization
D. Company code
48 ) What are some key features of goods receipt base invoice verification? Note : 3 correct answers
A. A goods receipt must be posted prior to the invoice
B. As a prerequisite the indicator for GR based invoice verification is set of purchase order item
C. An invoice item is automatically generated for each goods receipt
D. After posting you can re assign invoices from one goods receipt to another
E. Each invoice item is assigned to a goods receipt item
답 : A,B,E
A. A goods receipt must be posted prior to the invoice
B. As a prerequisite the indicator for GR based invoice verification is set of purchase order item
E. Each invoice item is assigned to a goods receipt item
49) You want to use automatic PR INTO PO for some raw materials What are the prerequisites Note : There are 3 correct answers to this question
A. A contract with plant specific conditions exists for the material and vendor
B. The automatic PO indicator is set in the plant specific purchasing data of the material master record
C. The automatic PO indicator is set in the purchasing data of the business partner master record
D. A plant specific source list entry exists for the material and the vendor
E. A source of supply containing valid conditions is assigned to the PR
답 : B,C,E
B. The automatic PO indicator is set in the plant specific purchasing data of the material master record
C. The automatic PO indicator is set in the purchasing data of the business partner master record
E. A source of supply containing valid conditions is assigned to the PR
50 ) for which type of blocked invoices can you use the automatic release function of the release blocked invoice app?
A. invoice blocked due to variances
B. Invoice blocked stochastically
C. Invoice blocked manually
D. Invoice blocked because of an excessive amount
답 : A. invoice blocked due to variances (가격차이)
51) which of the following are features of the delivery completed indicator in a purchase order (PO) items?
Note : there are 2 correct answers to this question
A. you can set the indicator manually when entering a goods receipt for your PO item
B. if you set the indicator, NO further goods receipt may be posted for the PO item
C. you set the indicator, the PO item is NO longer relevant for material requirements planning
D. the indicator is always set automatically if the quantity received is within the under delivery tolerance
답 : A,C
A. you can set the indicator manually when entering a goods receipt for your PO item
C. you set the indicator, the PO item is NO longer relevant for material requirements planning
52) Your company uses the classic release procedure for purchasing documents
For which configuration object must approvers have the appropriate Authorization ?
A. Release group
B. Release strategy
C. Release code
D. Release indicator
답 : C
C. Release code
53 ) You send newly created POs to supplier via EDI. whereas quantity or price changes are to be transmitted by
email. What prerequisites must be met if you are using the condition techniques for message determinations
NOTE: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. The dispatch time related to the change message needs to be set to 1 (send with periodically scheduledjob)
B. The condition record contains the Price and Quantity fields
C. The price and Quantity fields are relevant for printout changes
D. You use different message types for the print operations new and change
E. the new message determination process for change messages indicator is flagged in classifications
답 : C,D,E
C. The price and Quantity fields are relevant for printout changes
D. You use different message types for the print operations new and change
E. the new message determination process for change messages indicator is flagged in classifications
54) When creating a scheduling which field controls the creation of a scheduling agreement with release
documentation ?
(릴리스 문서와 함께 예약 계약 작성을 어느 필드에서 제어합니까)
A. Item category
B. JT indicator
C. Agreement type
D. Creation profile
답 : D
D. Creation profile
55) Which sap fiori design principle has the goal of having one type of user,one use case , and a maximum of three screens for each application
어떤 sap 피오리 디자인 원칙이 각 애플리케이션에 대해 하나의 사용자 유형, 하나의 사용 사례, 그리고 최대 3개의 화면을 갖는 것을 목표로 하는가
A. Instant value
B. Simple
C. Responsive
D. Role based
B. Simple
56) In you Project you need to make sure that consignment purchase orders Utilize a different number range than other Purchase orders What Must you do?
프로젝트에서 위탁 구매 주문이 다음과 다른 번호 범위를 사용하는지 확인해야 합니다
기타 구매 주문 반드시 해야 할 일은 무엇입니까?
A. Customize a new document type. Assign a new number range , and assign the item category forconsignment only to
this U type
B. Customize a new item category for this purpose and deactivate the standard one
C. Customize a new item category for this purpose and and assign a new number range to it
D. Customize a new document type. Assign a new number range object, and assign the item category forconsignment to
this type
답 : A
A. Customize a new document type. Assign a new number range , and assign the item category forconsignment only to
57. which of the following business transaction will you get an error message if automatic account determination has been set up incorrectly? 3가지
다음 비즈니스 트랜잭션 중 자동 계정 결정 시 오류 메시지가 표시되는 것은 무엇입니까
A. Goods issue of the valuated material
B. Stock transfer from a storage location to another storage location
C. Posting of a material price change
D. Goods receipt of consignment stock
E. Goods receipt of a valuated material
답 A,D,E
A. Goods issue of the valuated material
D. Goods receipt of consignment stock
E. Goods receipt of a valuated material
58. your purchasing department is working with scheduling agreement. What can you do using release creation
profiles? Note: there are 3 correct answers to this question
귀사의 구매 부서가 스케줄링 계약으로 작업하고 있습니다. 릴리스 생성 프로필을 사용하여 무엇을 할 수 있습니까?
A. you can enter a release creation profile in the material master data
B. You can enter a release creation profile in the master data of a supplier
C. You can assign a specific confirmation control key to a release creation profile
D. You can create plant - specific release creation profiles in customizing
E. You can control the periodicity of release creation profiles
Answer: A,D,E
A. you can enter a release creation profile in the material master data
D. You can create plant - specific release creation profiles in customizing
E. You can control the periodicity of release creation profiles
59. you want to post scrap to a special account.
Which characteristics can you use to influence the behavior of the account determination?
Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question
특별 계정에 스크랩을 게시하려고 합니다.
어떤 특성을 사용하여 계정 결정 동작에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니까?
A. Plant
B. Movement type
C. Stock type
D. Storage location
답 A,B
A. Plant
B. Movement type
60. which purchasing organization assignments can you make in customizing for the enterprise structure?
Note : 3 correct answers
기업 구조에 맞게 커스터마이징할 수 있는 구매조직 할당은 무엇입니까?
A. Several purchasing organizations to one company code
B. One purchasing organization to several plants across company codes
C. One purchasing organization to one company code
D. One purchasing organization to several company codes
E. Several purchasing organizations to one purchasing group
답 : A,B,C
A. Several purchasing organizations to one company code
B. One purchasing organization to several plants across company codes
C. One purchasing organization to one company code
61. What must you consider when defining purchasing organizations? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this
구매 조직을 정의할 때 반드시 고려해야 할 사항은 무엇입니까?
A. Each purchasing organization has its own material master data.
B. Each purchasing organization has its own purchasing groups.
C. Each purchasing organization has its own supplier master data.
D. Each purchasing organization has its own info records.
Answer: A,D
A. Each purchasing organization has its own material master data.
D. Each purchasing organization has its own info records.
62. You are entering a supplier invoice for a PO that has been delivered what Information can you use a reference
to post the invoice? Note : There are 3 correct answers to this question
전달된 PO에 대한 공급업체 송장을 입력하는 중입니다. 어떤 정보를 참조하여 송장을 게시할 수 있습니까?
A. PR number
B. delivery note number
D. PO number
E. Material document number
답 : B,C,D
B. delivery note number
D. PO number
63. You have several valid purchasing info records for one specific material available in your system. What is the system behavior when you manually create a purchase requisition?
시스템에서 사용할 수 있는 특정 자료에 대한 몇 가지 유효한 구매 정보 기록이 있습니다. 구매 요청을 수동으로 작성할 때 시스템 동작은 무엇입니까?
A. The system will choose the info record from the last purchase order.
B. The system will choose the info record with the lowest price.
C. The system will list all valid records and the user needs to select one.
D. The system will choose the most recent info record.
답 C
C. The system will list all valid records and the user needs to select one.
64. when using a classic release procedure, for which of the following documents must you use classification ?
Note: there are 2 correct answers to this question
클래식 릴리스 절차를 사용할 때 다음 문서 중 분류를 사용해야 하는 문서는 무엇입니까?
A. Request for quotation
B. JIT delivery schedule
C. Outline agreement
D. Purchase requisition
Answer: A,C
A. Request for quotation
C. Outline agreement
65. For which of the following scenarios could you implement a stock determination strategy for a material in
inventory management? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
다음 중 재고 관리에서 자재에 대한 재고 파악 전략을 구현할 수 있는 시나리오는 무엇입니까?
A. You have both vendor consignment stock and own stock for the material. You want to withdraw yourown stock first
B. You have both quality inspection stock and unrestricted-use stock for the material. You want towithdraw unrestricteduse L1 stock first
C. Your material is stored in different plants. You want to withdraw from the plant with lowest stock first
D. You use split valuation to separate internally produced and externally procured quantities. Internallyproduced
quantity should be withdrawn first
E. Your material is stored at various storage locations in your plant, you want to withdraw from the storagelocation with
the L1 highest stock first
Answer: A,D,E
A. You have both vendor consignment stock and own stock for the material. You want to withdraw yourown stock first
D. You use split valuation to separate internally produced and externally procured quantities. Internallyproduced
quantity should be withdrawn first
E. Your material is stored at various storage locations in your plant, you want to withdraw from the storagelocation with
the L1 highest stock first
66. You want to manually post an initial entry of stock for a material in SAP S/4HANA. You should be able to
enter both a quantity and an amount. How do you proceed?
SAP S/4HANA에 자재의 초기 재고 입력을 수동으로 게시하고자 합니다. 수량과 수량을 모두 입력할 수 있어야 합니다. 진행 방법은 무엇입니까?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. On the SAP Fiori Launch pad, use the Post Goods Receipt Without Reference app
B. On the SAP Fiori Launch pad, use the Post Goods Movement app
C. On the SAP Fiori Launch pad, use the Manage Stock app
D. In this SAP GUI, use transaction MIGO
Answer: B,D
B. On the SAP Fiori Launch pad, use the Post Goods Movement app
D. In this SAP GUI, use transaction MIGO
67 Which of the following are prerequisites for flexible workflows for purchase order approval? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
다음 중 구매 주문 승인을 위한 유연한 워크플로우의 전제 조건은 무엇입니까?
A. Set up the preconditions for the flexible workflow in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders SAP Fiori app.
B. Deactivate the classic release procedure for purchase orders in customizing.
C. Define the recipients for the flexible workflow in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders SAP Fiori app.
D. Create a class with flexible workflow characteristics for purchase orders.
E. Activate the flexible workflow for purchase orders in customizing.
Answer: A,C,E
A. Set up the preconditions for the flexible workflow in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders SAP Fiori app.
C. Define the recipients for the flexible workflow in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders SAP Fiori app.
E. Activate the flexible workflow for purchase orders in customizing.
68 Your MRP run detects a shortage of 2000 pieces for a certain material for which a quota arrangement is active.
Each of your 2 suppliers can only supply 1000 pieces at once, what must you must maintain to have MRP
generate a procurement proposal for 1000 pieces for each supplier? NOTE: There are 2 correct answers to this
MRP 실행은 할당량 배열이 활성화된 특정 재료에 대한 2000개 부족을 감지합니다.
두 공급업체는 한 번에 1000개만 공급할 수 있습니다. MRP가 각 공급업체에 대해 1000개에 대한 조달 제안서를 생성하려면 무엇을 유지해야 합니까?
A. set a maximum lot size in the quota arrangement item and activate the IX checkbox
B. Assign the indicator for quota splitting to the used lot sizing procedure
C. Set a maximum quantity quota quantity in the quota arrangement item for each supplier
D. Assign a rounding profile in the material master record of the planned material
Answer: A,C
A. set a maximum lot size in the quota arrangement item and activate the IX checkbox
C. Set a maximum quantity quota quantity in the quota arrangement item for each supplier
69 You are interested in the percentage of shopping cart items that require manual changes to either the PO or the PR after initia creation and approval. What key performance indicator (KPI) proceeds the information
초기 작성 및 승인 후 PO 또는 PR 중 하나를 수동으로 변경해야 하는 장바구니 항목의 비율에 관심이 있습니다. KPI(Key Performance Indicator)는 정보를 진행합니다
A. PR item changes
B. PR to Order Cycle time
C. PR High Touch Rate
D. PR Low Touch Rate
답 :
C. PR High Touch Rate
70 what needs to be configured and assigned if pricing conditions in purchase orders should only be visible to certain users?
구매 주문의 가격 조건이 특정 사용자에게만 표시되어야 하는 경우 구성하고 할당해야 하는 사항은 무엇입니까?
A. User parameter EVO
B. Field selection key for the activity category
C. Field selection key for the transaction
D. User parameter EFB
답 : D
D. User parameter EFB
71 which of the following actions can an end user perform with filtered report results in an SAP Fiori app?
최종 사용자가 SAP Fiori 앱에서 필터링된 보고서 결과를 사용하여 수행할 수 있는 작업은 다음 중 무엇입니까?
A. share on SAP join
B. send via e-mail
C. schedule as a background job
D. save as a CDS view
E. save as a new tile on the SAP fiori launchpad
Answer: A,B,E
A. share on SAP join
B. send via e-mail
E. save as a new tile on the SAP fiori launchpad
72 What logic does the system use during PO creation to purpose a valid price when using an info record? Note. There are 2 correct answers to this question.
PO 작성 중에 정보 레코드를 사용할 때 유효한 가격을 목표로 하기 위해 시스템이 사용하는 논리는 무엇입니까?
A. The system always proposed the price stored at purchasing organization level, if available
B. The system always proposes the price form the last purchase order whose number was copies into the info record.
C. If there are NO valid conditions maintained in the info record, the system can propose the price from the last
purchase " order
D. If a valid plant-specific price exists, it is proposed when a purchase order is created for the corresponding plant.
Answer: C, D
C. If there are NO valid conditions maintained in the info record, the system can propose the price from the last
purchase " order
D. If a valid plant-specific price exists, it is proposed when a purchase order is created for the corresponding plant.
73 당신은 공급자로부터 완제품을 조달합니다. 공급자는 당신의 회사로부터 발송된 부품을 사용하여 제품을 생산합니다. 이 시나리오에 대해 당신은 어떤 프로세스를 사용합니까?
A. Subcontracting
B. External processing
C. Standard Procurement
D. Third-Party Procurement
답 :
A. Subcontracting
74 Which of the following are features of a scheduling agreement?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.다음 중 스케줄링 계약의 특징은 무엇입니까?
A. A material master record is optional in a scheduling agreement item.
B. Item category M (Material unknown) can be used in a scheduling agreement.
C. Scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines can only be created manually.
D. A scheduling agreement item is always plant-specific.
E. A scheduling agreement can be used for a consignment process.
Answer: A,D,E
A. A material master record is optional in a scheduling agreement item.
D. A scheduling agreement item is always plant-specific.
E. A scheduling agreement can be used for a consignment process.
75 How do you proceed if you want to create purchasing info records for consumable materials without material
master records?
A. You specify the relationship between a material type and a supplier
B. You specify a special info category
C. You must first create material master records
D. You specify the relationship between a material group and a supplier
Answer: D
D. You specify the relationship between a material group and a supplier
76 Which of the following tasks does the system perform during reorder point planning ? Note : 2 correct answers
A. Carry out a lot-size calculation for every material with net requirements.
B. Perform backward scheduling to determine the availability dates of purchase requisitions.
C. Carry out a net requirement calculation for every material included in the planning run.
D. Flag materials that have been subject to an activity relevant to MRP.
Answer: A,C
77 What do you need to do if you want MRP live to create planned orders for externally procured materials?
B. Set the appropriate plat specific material status
C. Set the MRP indicator in the source list of the material to ' Not relevant for planning"
D. Change the procurement type of the material
Answer: A
78 You test the various options that SAP S/4HANA offers for stock transfer between two different plants within
the same company code which special features do stock transport orders have? Note : 2 correct answers
A. the material on the road is managed in the stock in transit of the receiving plant
B. The material on the road is part of the valuated stock of the shipping plant
C. if necessary you can post the goods receipt to blocked stock in the receving plant
D. YOU can optionally post the goods issue from insception stock in the supplying plant
Answer: A,C
A. the material on the road is managed in the stock in transit of the receiving plant
C. if necessary you can post the goods receipt to blocked stock in the receving plant
79 how can you personalize the procurement overview app?
A. change the position of the cards
B. filter the content of a card.
C. change the set cards
D. extend the set with a new card
E. hide an existing card
Answer: A,B,E
A. change the position of the cards
B. filter the content of a card.
E. hide an existing card
80 Supplier a should automatically be proposed as the primary source for specific material. What options do you
have ? NOTE : There are 2 Correct Answers to this question.
A. Use a source list and mark the supplier as fixed
B. Use the Regular Supplier Indicator in the info record
C. Set the regular Supplier Indicator in the business partner master record
D. Enter the supplier as they primary source in the material master record
Answer: A,B
A. Use a source list and mark the supplier as fixed
B. Use the Regular Supplier Indicator in the info record
81 Where do you enable the ability to personalize the home page?
A. In the configuration of the SAP Fiori launchpad
B. In the user settings in the back-end system
C. In the business catalog
D. In the business role assigned to the user
답 : A. In the configuration of the SAP Fiori launchpad
82 Which business partner categories can you choose when creating a new business partner?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Organization
B. Person
C. Group
D. Supplier
E. Customer
Answer: A,B,C
A. Organization
B. Person
C. Group
83 Which of the following prerequisites must be met for the system to check the shelf life of materials at goods receipt? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The shelf life expiration date check is activated for the material type in Customizing.
B. The purchase order item contains the remaining shelf life.
C. The total shelf life is maintained in the purchasing info record.
D. The shelf life expiration date check is activated for the movement type in Customizing.
Answer: B,D
B. The purchase order item contains the remaining shelf life.
D. The shelf life expiration date check is activated for the movement type in Customizing.
84 You want to create a purchase document for several minor repairs that may occur over a period of time. They should NOT exceed a total amount in this period. Further details are NOT available. Which type of purchasing document is best suited for this purpose?
A. Invoicing plan
B. Blanket purchase order
C. Release purchase order
D. Service purchase order
Answer: B
B. Blanket purchase order
85 What are the different types of SAP Fiori apps? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Fact sheet
B. KPI report
C. Interactive
D. Analytical
E. Transactional
Answer: A,D,E
A. Fact sheet
D. Analytical
E. Transactional
86 What must you do when using supplier consignment? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Settle liabilities resulting from consignment stock receipts.
B. Create consignment info records.
C. Create consignment storage locations.
D. Settle liabilities resulting from consignment stock withdrawals.
Answer: B,D
B. Create consignment info records.
D. Settle liabilities resulting from consignment stock withdrawals.
87 You use quota arrangements. You include a new supplier in an existing quota system. How can you ensure that the new supplier is considered as if they had been part of the quota arrangement from the beginning?
A. Manually update the quota base quantity.
B. Manually update the quota-allocated quantity.
C. Manually update the quota.
D. Manually update the source list.
Answer: A
A. Manually update the quota base quantity.
88 What are some key features of purchase-order based invoice verification?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Partial deliveries for a purchase order item show up as individual items in the invoice document.
B. The system proposes the total delivered quantity as the quantity to be invoiced.
C. Partial deliveries for a purchase order item are NOT flagged as individual invoice items.
D. The system proposes the quantity to be invoiced as the difference between the total delivered quantity and the total quantity already invoiced.
Answer: C,D
C. Partial deliveries for a purchase order item are NOT flagged as individual invoice items.
D. The system proposes the quantity to be invoiced as the difference between the total
89 At what level do you maintain the Automatic PO indicator in the material master?
A. Plant
B. Company code
C. Purchasing organization
D. Client
Answer: A
A. Plant
90 Which situations lead to an open item on the GR/IR clearing account? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The ordered quantity for a purchase order item is more than the invoiced quantity.
B. The invoiced quantity for a purchase order item is more than the delivered quantity.
C. The ordered quantity for a purchase order item is more than the delivered quantity.
D. The delivered quantity for a purchase order item is more than the invoiced quantity.
Answer: B,D
B. The invoiced quantity for a purchase order item is more than the delivered quantity.
D. The delivered quantity for a purchase order item is more than the invoiced quantity.
91 Which of the following steps can be part of a subcontracting process? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Purchase components for direct delivery to subcontractor.
B. Post subsequent adjustment of component consumption.
C. Create a sales order for components to be provided.
D. Settle components consumption by subcontractor.
E. Create an outbound delivery for components to be provided.
답 : A,B,E
A. Purchase components for direct delivery to subcontractor.
B. Post subsequent adjustment of component consumption.
E. Create an outbound delivery for components to be provided.
92 How can you personalize the Procurement Overview app? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Define your own layout and save it as a tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad.
B. Exchange a card with another card accessed by the same CDS view.
C. Use your user settings to define which cards to show and hide.
D. Filter the contents of all cards according to a specific supplier.
E. Use the drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange cards.
Answer: C,D,E
C. Use your user settings to define which cards to show and hide.
D. Filter the contents of all cards according to a specific supplier.
E. Use the drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange cards.
93 Which object is determined using an access sequence in message determination?
A. Output condition record for a message type
B. Output device in an output condition record
C. Message schema for a document category
D. Message type in a message schema
Answer: A
A. Output condition record for a message type
94 How does SAP Fiori achieve the role-based design principle? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. By giving end users exactly what they need for their work
B. By defining SAP Fiori apps that users can tailor exactly to their needs
C. By decomposing big transactions into several discrete apps suited to the user's role
D. By separating transactional and analytical apps in different business roles
Answer: A,B
A. By giving end users exactly what they need for their work
B. By defining SAP Fiori apps that users can tailor exactly to their needs
95 There are multiple company codes and plants in your SAP S/4HANA system. You have set the valuation area to plant level. How can you reduce the effort to configure account determination?
A. You can use the valuation grouping code to group together plants assigned to company codes with the same chart of
B. You can use the valuation grouping code to group together plants assigned to company codes with different charts of
C. You can use the account grouping code to group together plants assigned to company codes with different charts of
D. You can use the account grouping code to group together plants assigned to company codes with the same chart of
10번 문제와 중복 -
You can group plants assigned to company codes that have same charts of accounts by using the valuation group code.
Answer: D D. You can use the account grouping code to group together plants assigned to company codes with the same chart ofaccounts.
96 You create a contract item for a material group. You want to prevent certain materials that belong to this material group from being ordered with reference to this contract item. How can you ensure this?
A. Create material-specific source lists for the contract item and set the Exclusion indicator.
B. Create material-specific source lists outside the validity period of the contract.
C. Create material-specific source lists for the contract item and set the Fix indicator.
D. Create material-specific source lists for the supplier and set the Blocked indicator.
Answer: A
A. Create material-specific source lists for the contract item and set the Exclusion indicator.
97 What are some key features of the SAP Smart Business key performance indicator (KPI) tiles used for purchasing analytics? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Smart controls such as smart filter and smart charts are available.
B. Insight to Action provides drilldown capabilities and appropriate actions.
C. When a tile is changed, the database is updated in real time.
D. Smart alert thresholds can be set to update the tile display at different intervals.
Answer: A, B
A. Smart controls such as smart filter and smart charts are available.
B. Insight to Action provides drilldown capabilities and appropriate actions.
98 What are some of the consequences of setting the Delivery Completed indicator in a purchase order (PO) item? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The PO item CANNOT be deleted and archived.
B. You can still post goods receipts of remaining quantities.
C. The commitment for the PO item will increase.
D. The PO item is skipped when delivery reminders are generated.
Answer: B,D
B. You can still post goods receipts of remaining quantities.
C. The commitment for the PO item will increase
99 Blocking reason Quality is set for an item in an invoice. What could be the reason for this? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification is used and NO usage decision has been made for the inspection lot for the
item in the invoice.
B. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification is used and NO goods receipt has been posted for the item in the invoice.
C. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification is NOT used and NO usage decision has been made for any inspection lot for
the item in the invoice.
D. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification is NOT used and the item in the invoice has the Post to Inspection Stock flag
set in its material master.
Answer: A,C
A. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification is used and NO usage decision has been made for the inspection lot for the
item in the invoice.
C. Goods-receipt-based invoice verification is NOT used and NO usage decision has been made for any inspection lot for
the item in the invoice.
100 For which of the following document categories can you perform an item-wise release in the flexible workflow for purchasing?
A. Scheduling agreement
B. Purchase order
C. Request for quotation
D. Purchase requisition
Answer: D
D. Purchase requisition
101 In which of the following situations can document parking be used? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Account assignment information is missing for an invoice item.
B. A goods receipt is posted for an item that needs a quality inspection.
C. An EDI invoice is received containing variances.
D. Account assignment information is missing for a purchase order item.
Answer: B,D
B. A goods receipt is posted for an item that needs a quality inspection.
D. Account assignment information is missing for a purchase order item.
102 Which field can you use to prevent a discontinued material from being procured?
A. Authorization Group
B. Material Status
C. Control Code
D. Special Procurement Type
Answer: B
B. Material Status
103 What data does the system require to determine the safety stock during automatic reorder point planning? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. The storage costs code
B. Mean absolute deviation
C. Minimum and maximum stock levels
D. Replenishment lead time
E. Service level
답 : B,D, E
B. Mean absolute deviation
D. Replenishment lead time
E. Service level
104 You are posting a goods receipt without a corresponding purchase order in the system. Which of the following are prerequisites for automatic generation of the purchase order at the time of goods receipt? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. A central purchasing organization is assigned to the plant in Customizing.
B. An account assignment category is specified for the goods receipt.
C. Automatic purchase order generation is activated for the movement type in Customizing.
D. A default purchase order type is specified for the goods receipt.
E. A valid purchasing info record exists for the material and supplier combination.
Answer: A,C,E
105 For which of the following transactions do you receive an error message if the automatic account determination is set up incorrectly? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Purchasing info record price change
B. Goods receipt into blocked stock
C. Material price change
D. Stock transfer between company codes
E. Stock transfer between stock types
Answer: B,E
B. Goods receipt into blocked stock
E. Stock transfer between stock types
106 Goods from a supplier arrive at your warehouse. You do NOT want these goods to be part of your inventory yet. What is the procedure for recording the conditional goods receipt (GR)?
A. Make a note in the PO and wait until the conditions for accepting the delivery are met.
B. Set the Origin Acceptance flag in the PO item and post a GR to valuated GR blocked stock.
C. Post a goods receipt to non-valuated GR blocked stock.
D. Select the blocked stock stock type when posting the goods receipt.
Answer: C
C. Post a goods receipt to non-valuated GR blocked stock.
107 Which of the following SAP Fiori apps must you use to set up the following Situation Handling use case: Quantity Deficit in Supplier's Delivery? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Manage Situation Types - Message Based
B. Manage Teams and Responsibilities
C. Monitor Situations
D. Manage Situation Types
Answer: C,D
C. Monitor Situations
D. Manage Situation Types
108 Where can you set the parameter that allows changing the account assignment data for a consumable material during invoice receipt?
A. In the material master of the consumable material
B. In the purchase order document type
C. In the item category
D. In the account assignment category
Answer: D
D. In the account assignment category
109 Which of the following activities is a prerequisite to enable partner role determination in purchasing?
A. Assign a partner schema to relevant arrangement types.
B. Define permissible partner roles per document type.
C. Define permissible partner roles per account group.
D. Assign a partner schema to relevant account groups.
Answer: B
B. Define permissible partner roles per document type.
110 Which of the following are features of a subcontracting procurement process? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. You can customize the control parameters for the subcontracting item category.
B. You can assign a subcontracting order item to an account.
C. You can maintain components to be provided in a bill of material.
D. You can have subcontracting purchase requisitions created by MRP.
E. You can post a non-valuated goods receipt for a subcontracting order item.
Answer: B,C,D
B. You can assign a subcontracting order item to an account.
C. You can maintain components to be provided in a bill of material.
D. You can have subcontracting purchase requisitions created by MRP.
111 What options are available for charts when analyzing a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) report in Purchasing Analytics?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Export to a spreadsheet.
B. Import from a spreadsheet.
C. Change the dimensions that are shown.
D. Select the CDS view to be used.
Answer: A,B
A. Export to a spreadsheet.
B. Import from a spreadsheet.
112 You send newly created purchase orders to a supplier via EDI, whereas quantity or price changes are transmitted by email. What prerequisites must be met if you are using the condition technique for message determination? Note: Thereare 3 correct answers to this question.
A. The dispatch time related to the change message needs to be set to 1 (send with periodically scheduled job).
B. You configure different message types for the New and Change print operations.
C. The condition record contains the Price and Quantity fields.
D. The New Message Determination Process for Change Messages indicator is flagged in Customizing.
E. The Price and Quantity fields are relevant for printout changes.
Answer: B,D,E
B. You configure different message types for the New and Change print operations.
D. The New Message Determination Process for Change Messages indicator is flagged in Customizing.
E. The Price and Quantity fields are relevant for printout changes.
113 Which of the following procurement proposals can be created during an MRP Live planning run for externally procured materials? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Planned order
B. Purchase order
C. Delivery schedule line
D. Purchase requisition
Answer: C,D
C. Delivery schedule line
D. Purchase requisition
114 What are the prerequisites for carrying out material requirements planning (MRP) for a plant?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Assign each storage location of the corresponding plant to an MRP area in Customizing.
B. Maintain plant parameters for the corresponding plant in Customizing.
C. Maintain planned independent requirements for the materials in the plant.
D. Maintain MRP data in the material master record for the materials to be planned automatically.
Answer: B,D
B. Maintain plant parameters for the corresponding plant in Customizing.
D. Maintain MRP data in the material master record for the materials to be planned automatically.
115 You test the various options that SAP S/4HANA offers for stock transfers between two different plants within the same company code. Which of the following apply to stock transport orders? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. You can post the goods receipt to blocked stock in the receiving plant.
B. Two accounting documents are created at the time of goods issue posting -- one for each plant.
C. You can post the goods issue from inspection stock in the supplying plant.
D. The material on the road is managed as stock in transit in the receiving plant.
Answer: A,D
A. You can post the goods receipt to blocked stock in the receiving plant.
D. The material on the road is managed as stock in transit in the receiving plant.
116 What are some advantages of a stock transport order compared to a stock transfer posting between two plants? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. You can plan delivery costs.
B. You can create stock transport requisitions via MRP.
C. You can post goods receipt in consignment.
D. You can issue from inspection stock.
E. You can post goods receipt to consumption.
답 : A,B,E
A. You can plan delivery costs.
B. You can create stock transport requisitions via MRP.
E. You can post goods receipt to consumption.
117 What is the effect of setting the Freeze Book Inventory indicator in a physical inventory document header?
A. The system blocks all inventory management units of the physical inventory document for goods movements.
B. The book inventory is determined and fixed in the physical inventory document at the time of the difference posting.
C. The book inventory is determined and fixed in the physical inventory document at the beginning of the count.
D. The system blocks all inventory management units of the physical inventory document for procurement.
Answer: C
C. The book inventory is determined and fixed in the physical inventory document at the beginning of the count.
118 In your company, you are posting an invoice with a cash discount amount using the posting gross method. What is the result of this in the system?
A. The cash discount amount is posted to a cash discount clearing account, which is cleared at the time of payment.
B. The cash discount amount is posted from a cash discount clearing account to the stock account or cost account.
C. The cash discount amount is NOT considered; it is only posted to a cash discount account when the payment is made.
D. The cash discount amount is credited to the stock or cost account.
Answer: C
C. The cash discount amount is NOT considered; it is only posted to a cash discount account when the payment is made.
119 You want to identity the spend of purchase orders that do NOT have a contract reference, although an existing contract could have been used. What key performance indicator (KPI) provides this information?
기존 계약이 사용되었을 수도 있지만 계약에 대한 참조가 없는 구매 주문의 지출을 식별하고자 합니다. 이 정보를 제공하는 주요 성과 지표(KPI)는 무엇입니까?
A. Contract leakage
B. Purchase order value
C. Off contract spend
D. Unused contracts
답 :
A. Contract leakage
120 Which field controls the creation of a scheduling agreement with release documentation?
A. JIT Indicator
B. Creation Profile
C. Item Category
D. Agreement Type
Answer: B
B. Creation Profile
121 You want to use automatic conversion of purchase requisitions into purchase orders for some raw materials. What are the prerequisites? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. The Automatic Purchase Order indicator is set in the plant-specific purchasing data of the material master record.
B. A source of supply containing valid conditions is assigned to the purchase requisition.
C. A contract with plant-specific conditions exists for the material and the vendor.
D. The Automatic Purchase Order indicator is set in the purchasing data of the business partner master record.
E. A plant-specific source list entry exists for the material.
Answer: A,B,D
A. The Automatic Purchase Order indicator is set in the plant-specific purchasing data of the material master record.
B. A source of supply containing valid conditions is assigned to the purchase requisition.
D. The Automatic Purchase Order indicator is set in the purchasing data of the business partner master record.
122 What must you do to implement split valuation? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Assign valuation types to stock types.
B. Customize valuation categories and valuation types.
C. Create additional accounting data for the relevant materials.
D. Add valuation types to all open purchase order items.
Answer: B,C
B. Customize valuation categories and valuation types.
C. Create additional accounting data for the relevant materials.
123. What are some effects of parking a purchase order? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. You can use a workflow to request completion of the document.
B. Any further posting for that purchase order is disabled.
C. You can use Situation Handling to alert users about incomplete documents.
D. Any kind of errors in the document are permitted.
Answer: A,C
A. You can use a workflow to request completion of the document.
C. You can use Situation Handling to alert users about incomplete documents.
124 You want to create a purchase order.
An info record is available for the material-supplier combination. What logic does the system use to determine a price from the info record? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The system always proposes the price from the last purchase order, if available.
B. The system always proposes the valid plant-specific price, if available.
C. The system always proposes the price stored at purchasing organization level, if available.
D. If there are NO valid conditions, the system can propose the price from the last purchase order, if available.
Answer: B,D
B. The system always proposes the valid plant-specific price, if available.
D. If there are NO valid conditions, the system can propose the price from the last purchase order, if available.
125 How can you control the account determination for planned delivery costs based on the condition type?
A. Assign an account key in the condition type.
B. Assign an account key in the calculation schema.
C. Assign an account key in the condition record.
D. Assign an account key in the access sequence.
Answer: B
B. Assign an account key in the calculation schema.
126 What are some SAP Smart Business key performance indicators (KPIs) available for purchase requisitions? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Purchase requisition-to-order cycle time
B. Purchase requisition touch rate
C. Purchase requisition average approval time
D. Purchase requisition average order value
E. Overdue purchase requisitions
Answer: A,B,C
A. Purchase requisition-to-order cycle time
B. Purchase requisition touch rate
C. Purchase requisition average approval time
127 At which level do you activate SAP S/4HANA output management for purchasing documents?
A. Purchasing organization
B. Application object
C. Document type
D. Document category
Answer: B
B. Application object
128 You post an invoice with invoice reduction. What can you observe in the system?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The invoice is blocked for payment until the supplier confirms the credit memo receipt.
B. A message is created that can be issued to the supplier as a notification of a credit memo posting.
C. Two accounting documents are created: one for the invoice posting and one for the credit memo posting.
D. Only one accounting document is created containing both the invoice and the credit memo postings.
Answer: B,C
B. A message is created that can be issued to the supplier as a notification of a credit memo posting.
C. Two accounting documents are created: one for the invoice posting and one for the credit memo posting.
129 You want to set up the same account determination for raw materials (material type ROH) and operating supplies
(material type HIBE). How can you group these material types?
A. Assign the same valuation grouping code to the material types.
B. Assign the same account modification to the material types.
C. Assign the same account category reference to the material types.
D. Assign the same valuation class to the material types.
Answer: C
C. Assign the same account category reference to the material types.
130 You want to manually post an initial entry of stock for a material in SAP S/4HAN You should be able to enter both a quantity and an amount. How do you proceed? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. On the SAP Fiori launchpad, use the Post Goods Movement app.
B. In the SAP GUI, use transaction MIGO.
C. On the SAP Fiori launchpad, use the Manage Stock app.
D. On the SAP Fiori launchpad, use the Post Goods Receipt without Reference app.
Answer: A,B
A. On the SAP Fiori launchpad, use the Post Goods Movement app.
B. In the SAP GUI, use transaction MIGO.
131 What are some properties of the organization structure for procurement? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Several storage locations may be assigned to a plant.
B. A plant can only belong to one company code.
C. A plant can be assigned to several clients.
D. A storage location key must be unique in a company code.
E. A storage location can only belong to one plant.
Answer: A,B,E
A. Several storage locations may be assigned to a plant.
B. A plant can only belong to one company code.
E. A storage location can only belong to one plant.
132 For which of the following business scenarios does a situation template exist in Situation Handling?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. A supplier confirmation is pending.
B. A purchase order approval is pending.
C. A contract is ready as a source of supply.
D. The due date for a blocked invoice has passed.
Answer: A,C
A. A supplier confirmation is pending.
C. A contract is ready as a source of supply.
133 How can you completely block a material for procurement in a plant? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Create a blocking entry in the supplier master record.
B. Create a quota arrangement entry with a quantity of zero.
C. Use a relevant plant-specific material status in the material master.
D. Create an entry in the source list with a blocking indicator and NO supplier.
Answer: C, D
C. Use a relevant plant-specific material status in the material master.
D. Create an entry in the source list with a blocking indicator and NO supplier.
134 You have agreed on a value contract with a supplier for packaging. The exact materials and their purchase prices are NOT specified until the release orders. Which item category must you use when creating the contract?
A. W (Material group)
B. M (Material unknown)
C. B (Limit)
D. T (Text)
Answer: B
B. M (Material unknown)
135 Your MRP run detects a shortage of 2000 pieces for a material with an active quota arrangement. Each of your twosuppliers can only supply 1000 pieces at once. What must you maintain to have MRP generate a procurement proposal for 1000 pieces for each supplier? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Assign a rounding profile in the material master record of the planned material.
B. Assign the indicator for quota splitting to the lot-sizing procedure being used.
C. Set a maximum quota quantity in the quota arrangement item for each supplier.
D. Set a maximum lot size in the quota arrangement item and activate the 1x checkbox.
Answer: C,D
C. Set a maximum quota quantity in the quota arrangement item for each supplier.
D. Set a maximum lot size in the quota arrangement item and activate the 1x checkbox.
136 How can you automatically update the pricing conditions in a purchasing info record?
A. Select the Info Update indicator when maintaining a quotation.
B. Select the Info Update indicator when maintaining a contract.
C. Select the Info Update indicator when creating a purchase order.
D. Select the Info Update indicator when creating a contract release order.
Answer: A
A. Select the Info Update indicator when maintaining a quotation.
137 What does the account assignment category control? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Whether you must enter a material in the purchase order
B. The item categories you are allowed to use
C. The type of account assignment object you must specify
D. Whether you can post a goods receipt
Answer: C, D
C. The type of account assignment object you must specify
D. Whether you can post a goods receipt
138 Which of the following actions are supported when you post a goods receipt to stock with reference to a purchase order? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Split the quantity received to multiple storage locations.
B. Post partial order quantity.
C. Adjust order quantity to received quantity.
D. Maintain a valuation price.
Answer: A,B
A. Split the quantity received to multiple storage locations.
B. Post partial order quantity.
139 What are some prerequisites to use a stock determination strategy for a material in inventory management? Note: Thereare 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Assign a stock determination strategy to the material type in Customizing.
B. Customize a cross-application strategy for stock determination.
C. Customize a stock determination rule and assign it to the storage type.
D. Assign a stock determination rule to the business transaction in Customizing.
E. Assign a stock determination group in the material master record.
Answer: B,D,E
B. Customize a cross-application strategy for stock determination.
D. Assign a stock determination rule to the business transaction in Customizing.
E. Assign a stock determination group in the material master record.
140 Which fields does authorization object M_EINK_FRG for the release of purchasing documents contain? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Release group
B. Release code
C. Release indicator
D. Release strategy
Answer: A,B
A. Release group
B. Release code
141 Your purchasing department wants to monitor overdue purchase orders. What are the prerequisites for issuing delivery reminders for a purchase order? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Set message determination in Customizing and maintain message records.
B. Maintain a confirmation control key in the supplier master.
C. Maintain reminder periods in the purchase order item.
D. Output the purchase order.
E. Maintain purchasing value keys in the purchase order item.
Answer: A,C,E
142 Which options are available for the automatic posting of unplanned delivery costs when creating an invoice with purchase order reference? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The costs are posted automatically in a separate invoice.
B. The costs can be distributed among the invoice items.
C. The costs can be posted to a separate account.
D. The system determines a freight clearing account for posting the costs.
Answer: B,C
B. The costs can be distributed among the invoice items.
C. The costs can be posted to a separate account.
143 In your project, you need to make sure that consignment purchase orders utilize a different number range than other purchase orders. What must you do?
A. Customize a new document category, assign a new number range, and assign the item category for consignment only
to this category.
B. Customize a new document category, assign a new number range object, and assign the item category for
consignment only to this category.
C. Customize a new document type, assign a new number range, and assign the item category for consignment only to
this type.
D. Customize a new document type, assign a new number range object, and assign the item category for consignment to
this type.
Answer: C
C. Customize a new document type, assign a new number range, and assign the item category for consignment only to
this type.
144 Your purchasing department is interested in working with scheduling agreements. What valid information can you share with them regarding release creation profiles?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. A release creation profile triggers the creation of scheduling agreement schedule lines.
B. You can enter a release creation profile in the supplier master data.
C. A release creation profile controls the periodicity of delivery schedule creation.
D. You can enter a release creation profile in a purchasing info record.
E. A release creation profile controls the aggregation of schedule line quantities in a delivery schedule.
Answer: B,C,E
B. You can enter a release creation profile in the supplier master data.
C. A release creation profile controls the periodicity of delivery schedule creation.
E. A release creation profile controls the aggregation of schedule line quantities in a delivery schedule.
145 Which organizational assignment must NOT be maintained when setting up a cross-company-code purchasing organization?
A. Plant -- purchasing group
B. Reference purchasing organization -- purchasing organization
C. Plant -- purchasing organization
D. Company code -- purchasing organization
Answer: B,C
B. Reference purchasing organization -- purchasing organization
C. Plant -- purchasing organization
146 You enter a supplier invoice for a purchase order that has already been delivered. Apart from the purchase order number itself, what information can you use as a reference? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Bill of lading number
B. Inbound delivery number
C. Material document number
D. Delivery note number
Answer: A,D
A. Bill of lading number
D. Delivery note number
147 Where does SAP S/4HANA store the low-level code used to determine the sequence in which materials are planned during the MRP run? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
SAP S/4HANA는 MRP 실행 중 자료가 계획되는 순서를 결정하는 데 사용되는 하위 코드를 어디에 저장합니까
A. Production version
B. Bill of material
C. MRP planning file
D. Material master
Answer: B,C
B. Bill of material
C. MRP planning file
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