OPIC - 과거, 현재 거주지 비교

[Key Experssions]


1. My family used to live in house

   (저희 가족은 주택에 살았습니다.)

> 확실히 다른 요소를 비교할 것.


2. We moved in a new apartment and live there now.

   (새 아파트로 이사를 했고, 지금 그곳에 살고 있습니다.)

 > moved in : ~ 로 이사했다 / moved out : 이사 나오다


3. whereas ( = while) 반면


4. which i had never experienced in my old house

    예전 집에서 경험해 본 적이 없는


5. Personally, I prefer 

   개인적으로 나는 ~ 선호


Answer Example



When i was a kid, my family used to live in house in (어디 장소).

The house had a big yard that i often played with my friends there. 


We moved in a new apartment and live there now.

It has great facillites such as elevators and huge parking lots.


The current place is totally different form the house i lived before. Most of all, this apartment has hundreds

of people living here, whereas we were the only ones living in that house. Also, my upstairs neighbors somtimes make noise, which i had never experienced in my old house. 

- There is no similarity between those two place. (현재 차이가 없을 시)

- The only similarity between those two place is that they ar pretty much the same size. 


Pesonally, I prefer my current apartment, as public transportation is convenient to my house