OPIC - 해외여행(어린 시절 경험)


Key Expressions 


1. When i was a kid, I got a chance to

   (어릴 적 ~ 할 기회가 있었습니다.)


2. Uppon arrival, 



3. Everything was fine until

  ( ~ 까지 모든 것이 좋았습니다. - 문제가 발생한 시점을 극적,흥미롭게 전개시키기 좋은 방법)


4. I instantly panicked and asked mom for help.

    (나는 즉시 공황상태에 빠졌고, 엄마에게 도움을 요청했습니다.)


5. The trip has taught me a lesson that ~

   (그 여행은 제게 ~ 라는 교훈을 주었습니다.)



Answer Example


When I was a kid, I got a chance to go to Bali with my family.

Since it was weekend getaway, my mom asked me to travel light so i only packed one small carry-on bag. Befor leaving on a trip, i was already so exited.

Upon Arrival, we went to the room right away. Looking out the window from our room, i felt ready to rush to the beach.

Everything was fine until i searched for my swimsuit in the bag. i looked for it in every pocket but it wasnt' there I instantly panicked and asked mom for help. Even thoug she scolded me for my careleness, she bough a new swimsuit for me and i could go swimming.

The trip has taught me a lesson that I should make a checklist and always double check me belongings before going a trip. Since then, i never forget my thing.