Key Expressions
1. Hello, I'm calling to ~
여보세요, ~ 때문에 전화했습니다.
2. I'd like to ask you some quesions about
~ 에 대해 몇 가지 질문을 하고 싶습니다.
3. Would it be possible to ~
~ 하는 것이 가능한가요?
4. is it okay to ?
~ 하는 것이 괜찮나요?
5. Thank you for your help. (답변 완료)
당신의 도움에 감사합니다.
Sample Answer
Hello, I'm calling to book a table for 10 people this Sunday at 6 o'clock. it is my sister's birthday. So, I'd like to ask you some questions about it. First, would it be possible for you to give us a private room? Actually, we have some kids, so the may be a little noisy, which could bother other custmoers. Also, we need baby seats.
Second, is it okay to bring our own cake? i would like to order a special cake for my sister at her favorite bakery.
Futhermore, do you use nuts in many of your dishes? One of our members has a severe nut allergy, so it very important to not use an nuts in every dish of ours. Lastly, colud you have our room decorate with ballons?
I think that's all for now. Thank you for your help. Bye
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